
“When we first consulted with Deb, my son was anxious and uncertain about the college application process. He came away with confidence, a clear idea of what he needed to do, and a very strong essay. He's now a math major at Swarthmore and couldn't be happier.”

-Parent of a Belmont High School student (MA)

Online Payment

Venmo: Pay to @debfelix99 -OR- 2403054578

Zelle: Pay to @debfelix99 -OR- 2403054578 
Check: To Debra Felix, 10 Locust Lane, Suite 500, Wellfleet, MA  02667

Credit Card: Hit "Submit Payment" below
Please name the service for which you are paying in the "Special Instructions" box on the next page:
- Individual Assessment
- School or College List
- Comprehensive Package
- Essay Development and Review
- Other (specify)

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